Fort Defiance Blogs at Epicurious

Fort Defiance Blogs at Epicurious

When I saw the black waves of the flood lapping at the front door of my apartment last Monday night, I knew that my restaurant, Fort Defiance, was already underwater. I live only a few blocks away from the Fort in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, and on significantly higher ground, so my hopes that Hurricane Sandy would pass us by, like so many storms before, were dashed. 

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Business Applications Are Open!

We've started accepting applications for businesses seeking aid — please click here if you would like to apply for aid. Your application will be reviewed within 24 hours and we will follow up with you by email or phone within 48 hours. PLEASE NOTE: All applications must be submitted by Friday, November 9th. We will be canvassing local businesses on Lorraine Street and parts of Red Hook that still do not have power or for whom using this website is not an option.

Help us spread the word to business owners and please tell your friends to donate!

TIME MAGAZINE: Red Hook Apocalypse

TIME MAGAZINE: Red Hook Apocalypse

The quirky wooden two-story storefronts of Red Hook’s Van Brunt Street are more reminiscent of a Cape Cod fishing town than the cookie-cutter architecture of the brownstone, townhouse and housing-project symmetry of the Brooklyn neighborhoods that surround it. And the area’s idiosyncratic separateness from much of New York City has long been reinforced by it’s isolation from all the arterial subways that connect Brooklyn with Manhattan and Queens.

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Sandy Volunteer in Red Hook Shares Experience, Offers Advice

Sandy Volunteer in Red Hook Shares Experience, Offers Advice
On Thursday, I donated supplies to Brooklyn Kitchen/ The Meat Hook, who are running materials out to the Rockaways all weekend, but on Friday, I wanted to do something a little more hands-on. I’d been following Red Hook Initiative’s Twitter and saw that they needed volunteers for cleanup and meal distribution, so I headed to their headquarters at 767 Hicks Street to sign up.Read More