Funding Application

Applications will be received on a Rolling Basis.

Additional information may be requested if you submitted your application prior to November 13, 2012.

Name of Person Completing Application
Personal Phone Number
Mailing Address
Business Address
Business Phone Number
(at this location)
(ie, Gift Store, Restaurant, Salon, Convenience Store, Laundromat, etc.)
Was your business open to the public immediately prior to Hurricane Sandy (October 29, 2012)?
(Pre Storm)
Prior to Hurricane Sandy, were your annual revenues in excess of $2 million?
Have you had to close your business as a result of the storm?
If you have re-opened, have you been able to resume pre-storm business hours and services?
How do you intend to use the Restore Red Hook emergency grant of up to $5,000? Check one or more categories below, describe the loss/damage/need, and specify how you will use the grant funds, including amount needed for each item.
Please check and fill out the below descriptions for selected items
Did you have flood insurance at the time of Hurricane Sandy?
Have you applied for FEMA or any other governmental assistance to cover the costs of repair or replacement of damage or loss incurred as a result of the hurricane?
I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and that I have the authority to apply for the Restore Red Hook emergency grant on behalf of the above-named business. I further certify that any grant received shall be used only for the business making this application, and for the purpose stated in this application. I further certify that I do not expect that any insurance reimbursement or or any governmental assistance will cover the cost of the specific item(s) for which I am seeking an emergency grant.